Dirk Marshall

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Dirk Marshall from the VH-US podcast share his fantastic stories about growing up in a mom & pop video rental store during the 80's and 90's. Discover all the awesome promotional items he brought home as a kid, what he did with movie screener tapes, the terrifying tale of cockroaches invading a VCR and so much more! You can check out Dirk's podcast at vh-us.com.

Follow @TRNsocial on X, Instagram, and Facebook for more including visuals from our Video Heroes.

If you are a former rental store employee and would like to be interviewed for an upcoming season, please contact Adam @hojukoolander on X or instagram or email hojukoolander@gmail.com

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  • Chad Droze
  • retrodolls77
  • Tim Heasley
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Dirk Marshall
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